What’s SDGs Café ?
A “real communication” space for SDGs study sessions, seminars etc. in which anyone can participate.
SDGs Café has been held since April 2019.
The city will continue to hold it once in a month or two months and now calls for collaborative events.

-Past events
#1 Education of 2030. – Ideal space for learning, Sat. 13 April, IT Business Plaza Musashi
#2 Civic Tech and Access to Information for Everyone, Sat. 11 May
#3 What Education can be Expected Today? – Viewing of “Most Likely to Succeed” Film and Workshop, Sat. 13 June
#4 What Education Can be Expected Today? – Training the Bearers of 2030, Sun. 23 June
#5 What Kind of Corporate Management Does Society Want in 2030? My Company Wish List! Fri. 26 July
#6 “Community Development with Culture”, Thu. 26 September
#7 “Kanazawa’s Action for Climate Change”, Fri. 18 October
#8 “What is Needed to Connect with Others and Help Each Other? -Thinking About a New Form of Partnership”, Sun. 17 November
#9 “Thinking about Kanazawa’s Public Transport in 2030”
#10 SDGs x Sports
#11 “Continuation Through Change? Workstyles and Remote Work in the Age of Corona.”
#12 “Thinking about Establishing ESG Investment in Kanazawa in the Age of Corona.”
#SDGs cafe Special Collaboration Project “SDGs and High School Students: The Future of Schools and Learning.”
#13 “All Citizens Should be Gardeners! Thinking about the Kanazawa SDGs from a Green Infrastructure Perspective.”
#14: Thinking about using local production and consumption of energy to become a zero-waste city